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Luchies, L. B., Finkel, E. J., Coy, A. E., Reid, C. A., Van Tongeren, D. R., Davis, J. L., & Green, J. D. (in press). People feel worse about their forgiveness when mismatches between forgiveness and amends create adaptation risks. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.


Coy, A. E., & Green, J. D. (2018). Treating pets well: The role of attachment anxiety and avoidance. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 6, 14-31.


Green, J. D., Coy, A. E., & Matthews, M. (2018). Attachment anxiety and avoidance influence pet choice and pet-directed behaviors. Anthrozoös, 31, 475-494.


Perrin, P. B., Smith, E., Trujillo, M. A., Rabinovitch, A., & Coy, A. E. (2018). Differential effects of the U.S. Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision on national support for lesbian, gay, and bisexual civil rights and sexual prejudice. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 15, 342-352. IF: 1.81



Pollack, J. M., Seers, A., Rutherford, M. W., Coy, A., & Hanson, S. (2016). Exploring entrepreneurs’ social network ties: Quantity versus quality. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 6, 28-35.




Davis, J. L., Le, B., Coy, A. E., Rickert, J., Regan, B., & Ridgeway, K. (2015). Commitment to the environment: The role of subjective norms in college and community samples. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 568-583.


Hook, J., Ramos, M., Worthington, E., Utsey, S., Coy, A., Davis, D., Van Tongeren, D., Gartner, A., Jennings, D., & Dueck, A. (2015). Negative internal causal attributions of a specific offense and forgiveness. Personal Relationships, 22, 449-459.

Pollack, J. M., Coy, A., Green, J. D., & Davis, J. L. (2015). Satisfaction, investment, and alternatives predict entrepreneurs’ networking group commitment and subsequent revenue generation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39, 817-837


Pollack, J. M., Forster, W. R., Johnson, P. D., Molden, D., & Coy, A. E. (2015). A psychological perspective on developing business networks: How entrepreneurs’ motivations for promotion or prevention influence outdegree centrality and subsequent revenue generation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6, 3-12.




Coy, A. E., Green, J. D., & Price, M. E. (2014). Why is low waist-to-chest ratio attractive in males? The mediating roles of perceived dominance, fitness, and protection ability. Body Image, 11, 282-289.




Green, J. D., Davis, J. L., Finkel, E. J., Coy, A. E., Luchies, L. B., Van Tongeren, D. R., & Reid, C. R. (2013). Victims versus perpetrators: Affective and empathic forecasting regarding transgressions in romantic relationships. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 329-333.


Coy, A. E., Farrell, A. K., Gilson, K. P., Davis, J. L. & Le, B. (2013). Commitment to the environment and student support for “green” campus initiatives. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 3, 49-55.


Coy, A. E., Perrin, P. B., Stevens, L. F., Hubbard, R., Díaz, D. M., Sanchez A. L., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2013). Moderated mediation path analysis of Mexican traumatic brain injury patient social functioning, family functioning, and caregiver mental health. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94, 362-368.




Coy, A. E., Green, J. D., & Davis, J. L. (2012). With or without you: The impact of partner presence and attachment on exploration. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 411-415.




Davis, J. L., Le, B., & Coy, A. E. (2011). Building a model of commitment to the natural environment to predict ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31, 257-265.


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